44 research outputs found

    WebMonitoring software system: Finite state machines for monitoring the web

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    This paper presents a software system called WebMonitoring. The system is designed for solving certain problems in the process of information search on the web. The first problem is improving entering of queries at search engines and enabling more complex searches than keyword-based ones. The second problem is providing access to web page content that is inaccessible by common search engines due to search engine’s crawling limitations or time difference between the moment a web page is set up on the Internet and the moment the crawler finds it. The architecture of the WebMonitoring system relies upon finite state machines and the concept of monitoring the web. We present the system’s architecture and usage. Some modules were originally developed for the purpose of the WebMonitoring system, and some rely on UNITEX, linguistically oriented software system. We hereby evaluate the WebMonitoring system and give directions for further development

    Finite state models in information extraction

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    Disertacija je posvećena istraživanju naučne oblasti nazvane ekstrakcija informacija (engl. information extraction), koja predstavlja podoblast veštačke inteligencije, a u sebi kombinuje i koristi tehnike i dostignuća više različitih oblasti računarstva. Termin "ekstrakcija informacija" će biti korišćen u dva različita konteksta. U jednom od njih misli se na ekstrakciju informacije kao naučnu oblast i tada će se koristiti skraćenica IE, preuzeta iz anglosaksonske literature u značenju "Information Extraction". U drugom slučaju, kada se bude mislilo na sam proces i postupak izdvajanja informacija iz teksta, koristiće se oblik "ekstrakcija informacija". Ova disertacija predstavlja, pored pregleda postojećih metoda iz ove oblasti, i jedan originalni pristup i metod za ekstrakciju informacija baziran na konačnim transduktorima. Tokom istraživanja i rada na disertaciji, a primenom pomenutog metoda, kao rezultat formirana je baza podataka o mikroorganizmima koja sadrži fenotipske i genotipske karakteristike za 2412 vrsta i 873 rodova, namenjena za istraživanja iz oblasti bioinformatike i genetike. Baza i korišćeni metod su detaljno prikazani u nekoliko radova, publikovanih u časopisima ili izlaganih na međunarodnim konferencijama (Pajić, 2011; Pajić i sar. 2011a; Pajić i sar. 2011b) U glavi 1 dat je uvod u oblast ekstrakcije informacije, unutar koga je opisan istorijat i razvoj metoda ove oblasti. Dalje je opisana klasifikacija tekstualnih resursa nad kojima se vrši ekstrakcija informacija, kao i klasifikacija samih informacija. Na kraju glave 1 oblast ekstrakcije informacije je upoređena sa drugim srodnim disciplinama računarstva. Glava 2 je posvećena prikazu teorijskih osnova na kojima su zasnovana istraživanja ove disertacije. Razmatrana je teorija formalnih jezika i modela konačnih stanja, kao i njihova uzajamna veza i veza sa ekstrakcijom informacija. Akcenat je stavljen na konačne modele i metode koji su zasnovani na modelima konačnih stanja. Ovi metodi pokazuju veću preciznost od drugih metoda za ekstrakciju informacije, te su nezamenljivi u situacijama kada je tačnost izdvojenih podataka iz teksta od presudnog značaja. Pojedini pojmovi ekstrakcije informacija - jezik relevantnih informacija, jezik izdvojenih informacija, pravila ekstrakcije, definisani su iz ugla teorije formalnih jezika. Formulisano je i dokazano osnovno svojstvo relacije transdukcije za zadato pravilo ekstrakcije. Definisan je i pojam jezika konteksta informacija i dokazano je njegovo svojstvo regularnosti...This dissertation is on research and studying in scientific field called information extraction, which can be seen as a sub-area of artificial intelligence and which combines and uses techniques and achievements of several computer science areas. The term „information extraction“ will be used in two different contexts. In the first one, the term will refer to the scientific area and the acronym IE will be used in that case. In the second case, this term will refer to the very process of extracting information. Beside the IE state-of-the-art survey, an original approach and a method for information extraction based on finite state transducers are presented. A database with microbial phenotype and genotype characteristics, for 2412 species and 873 genera has been created, as a result of the research and the work on the dissertation. The database is intended for research, in bioinformatics and genetics. The method used for the creation of the database and the database itself are described in details and published in several journals and conference proceedings (Pajić, 2011; Pajić et al. 2011a; Pajić et al. 2011b). In the Section 1, the introduction to IE is given, together with the history of development of methods in this area. The classification of textual resources that are used for information extraction and classification of the information itself are described. At the end of the Section 1, IE is compared with other related disciplines of computer science. Section 2 contains some excerpts from formal language theory and abstract automata, on which the dissertation is based. The mutual relationship between these two areas and their connection with IE are described. The emphasis is put on the final state models and methods based on them. These methods show higher precision than other methods for extracting information, and are indispensable in situations where the accuracy of data extracted from the text is of crucial importance. Some specific terms of information extraction - the language of the relevant information, the language of extracted information and extraction rules, are defined from the perspective of formal language theory. The basic feature of the transduction relation for the given rule extraction is formulated and proved. The language of information context is defined and its regularilty is proven..

    Effects of processing meliorative tillage on the soils with heavy mechanical type in maize production

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    Soils with heavy mechanical type of composition demand a cultivation system that ensures preservation of natural potential and fertility resources. This system must also prevent degrading processes and ensure an optimal water flow within the soil, with an optimal usage of energy and labor. This paper presents the results of the application of the machines and tools for new technologies in maize production. We analyzed the influence of meliorative tillage and effect of conventional tillage systems on maize production.

    Uticaj tipa kombajna i vremena ubiranja na kvalitet ubrane kamilice

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    This paper is the result of studying effects of mechanical chamomile harvesting on yield and quality of harvested chamomile. Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L) Rausch.) was harvested at three time intervals (T1 - 240 days, T2 - 250 days and T3 - 260 days after sowing) by three conceptually different harvesters. The results achieved indicate that the harvester type significantly influences quality of harvested chamomile, whereas it is not influenced by chamomile harvesting time. Quality of harvested chamomile was classified into four categories, and it was observed that the greater number of rotations of a picking device increased the content of the first category of quality. The harvester A achieved 54.79% of the first category of quality in respect to the harvester B achieving 50.26% and the harvester C with 42.93%.Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultat istraživanja u okviru koga su praćeni efekti mehanizovanog ubiranja na prinos i kvalitet ubrane kamilice. Kamilica je ubirana u tri različita vremenska intervala (T1 - 240 dana, T2 - 250 dana i T3 - 260 dana nakon setve) sa tri koncepcijski različita kombajna. Ostvareni rezultati ukazuju da tip kombajna ima značajan uticaj na kvalitet ubrane kamilice, dok takav uticaj nije izražen kada se posmatra termin ubiranja kamilice. Kvalitet ubrane kamilice je klasifikovan u 4 kategorije, gde je uočeno da veći broj obrtaja beračkog uređaja povećava učešće I kategorije kvaliteta. Kombajn A ostvaruje 54,79% I kategorije kvaliteta ubrane kamilice u odnosu na kombajn B sa 50,26% i kombajn C sa 42,93%

    Uticaj različitih tipova kombajna za ubiranje kamilice na kvalitet ubiranja i visinu dobiti u proizvodnji kamilice

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    This paper presents the results of three conceptually different types of chamomile harvester and their impact on the quality of the harvested chamomile and profit during the production process. Three working modes of each harvester are considered and values of realized losses and the quality of harvested chamomile are determined. It was found that choosing the type of engaged harvester and its working mode can affect the quality of harvested chamomile, as well as the profit achieved in the entire production process. .U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja tri koncepcijski različita tipa kombajna za ubiranje kamilice i njihov uticaj na kvalitet ubrane sirovine i ostvarenu dobit tokom procesa proizvodnje. Posmatrana su tri režima rada svakog od kombajna i utvrđeni su vrednosti ostvarenih gubitaka i kvaliteta ubrane kamilice. Utvrđeno je da se izborom tipa angažovanog kombajna i režima rada može uticati na kvalitet ubrane kamilice, kao i na ostvarenu dobit u celokupnom proizvodnom ciklusu.

    Sortiment i uzgojnih oblika kao uticajni faktori energetskog potencijala rezidbenih ostataka iz voćarsko-vinogradarske proizvodnje

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    Biomass resulting from agricultural production represents potential which can be used in multiple ways. The expansion of fruit-growing and viticulture in Serbia in recent years contributes to an even larger quantities of pruning residues. Long-standing practice of destroying and burning of the pruning residues hardly changed, but the energy and environmental indicators point to the importance of proper exploitation of this biomass. The aim of this study is to show the quantity and energy value of tree branches from fruitgrowing and viticulture as fuel, as well as the influence of different fruit types and vine varieties and training systems on energy potential. The apple sort Idared has the highest values of thermal power per mass unit (19.853 kJ kg-1) and the peach sort Redheven has the highest value of thermal power per area unit (974,78 GJ ha-1). The grapevine lags behind other sorts of fruit have significantly less thermal power per unit, but the calorific value per unit mass ranges within the limits of 17,300 ± 100 kJ kg-1.Biomasa iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje, predstavlja nedovoljno iskorišćen potencijal. Ekspanzija voćarske i vinogradarske proizvodnje u Srbiji, poslednjih godina, doprinosi stvaranju ogromnih količina rezidbenih ostataka. Dugogodišnja praksa uništavanja i spaljivanja rezidbenih ostataka se polako menja, ali energetski i ekološki pokazatelji ukazuju na značaj pravilnog korišćenja ove biomase. Cilj ovog rada je da prikaže količine i energetsku vrednost rezidbenih ostataka iz voćarske i vinogradarske proizvodnje, kao i uticaj različitih voćnih vrsta, sorti vinove loze i uzgojnih oblika na energetski potencijal. Najveću toplotnu moć po jedinici mase ustanovljeno je kod jabuke sorte Ajdared (19.853 kJ kg-1), a najveću toplotnu moć po jedinici površine ostvarena je kod breskve, sorte Redheven (974,78 GJ ha-1). Vinova loza u odnosu na voćne vrste ima značajno manju toplotnu moć po jedinici površine, dok se toplotna moć po jedinici mase kreće oko 17.300 ± 100 kJ kg-1

    Energetski aspekti korišćenja rezidbenih ostataka iz proizvodnje jabuke

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    Velike količine biomase nastaju kao rezultat rezidbe voćaka, što predstavlja obaveznu pomotehničku meru. Dugogodišnja praksa uni¬šta-vanja i spaljivanje rezidbenih ostataka se teško menja, ali energetski i eko-loški pokazatelji ukazuju na značaj pravilne eksploatacije ovom bio¬ma¬som. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na količine, energetske vrednosti i poten¬cijal rezid¬benih ostataka nastalih u proizvodnji jabuka, kao i načine i mogućnosti njegove pravilne eksploatacije. U Republici Srbiji jabuka se gaji na oko 40.000 ha, sa uobičajenim prinosom biomase od 3t ha-1 rezid-benih ostataka. Prosečna gornja toplotna vrednost ostataka rezidbe dve sorte jabuke (Idared, Jonagold), pri vlažnosti od 42,36%, iznosi 18,14 MJ kg-1

    Mehanizovani postupci pripreme i obrade komposta od rezidbenih ostataka voćarsko-vinogradarske proizvodnje

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    This paper is part of research about the effects of mechanized process of fragmentation of pruning residues on the composting process. Compost, as a form of organic fertilizer, requires specific production treatment depending on the form of biomass. Pruning residues from fruit-vine production can be translated into quality organic fertilizer, but it is necessary to coordinate mechanized treatment of biomass and technology of composting process with microbiological processes for organic matter decomposition.Rad predstavlja deo istraživanja uticaja mehanizovanih procesa usitnjavanja rezidbenih ostataka na proces kompostiranja. Kompost kao vid organskog đubriva zahteva specifičan tretman proizvodnje u zavisnosti od vida biomase. Rezidbeni ostaci iz voćarsko-vinogradarske proizvodnje se mogu prevesti u kvalitetno organsko đubrivo, ali je potrebno uskladiti mehanizovane procese obrade biomase i tehnologiju kompostiranja sa mikrobiološkim procesima razlaganja organske materije

    Triticum aestivum ir T. durum genetiniai parametrai kokybės technologinėms savybėms Serbijoje

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    Proteins are important in determining the nutritional value of wheat, and among them gluten determines the baking quality of bread wheat and pasta-making technological properties of wheat. By assessing genetic parameters of wheat quality traits, it is possible to elucidate potential for improvement. The plant material consisted of 30 genotypes of bread and durum wheat of worldwide origin. The trials were sown at three locations in Serbia during two vegetation seasons 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy were determined by near infrared spectrometry. The objectives of this investigation were to assess: i) variability, components of variance, heritability in a broad sense (hb2)expected genetic advance for protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy; ii) associations between agronomic characteristics and protein content, wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation volume and deformation energy in order to determine indirect selection feasibility. In durum wheat, the highest coefficients of genetic and phenotypic variation (CVg and CVph) were recorded for deformation energy in bread wheat (18% and 18.4%, respectively), whereas the lowest values of 4.1% and 4.6% were shown for protein content. The relation genetic component of variance (σg2)/component of variance due to genotype × environment interaction (σge2) < 1 was observed for protein content (3.2), wet gluten content (2.9) and deformation energy (3.9), and equal to one for Zeleny sedimentation volume, in bread wheat. In durum wheat, σge2/σg2< 1 was detected for protein content (1.4), wet gluten content (1.5), Zeleny sedimentation volume (2.1) and deformation energy (1.4). Considering very high and high hb2 observed for deformation energy and Zeleny sedimentation volume (95.8% and 86.2%, respectively) in bread wheat, coupled with high genetic advance (36.3% and 28.1%, respectively), success from classical breeding can be anticipated. Grain thickness was strongly associated with Zeleny sedimentation volume, and to a lesser extent with protein content, wet gluten content and deformation energy in bread and durum wheat, and along with grain vitreousness in durum wheat, can serve for indirect selection

    Influence of harvester type and harvesting time on quality of harvested chamomile

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    This paper is the result of studying effects of mechanical chamomile harvesting on yield and quality of harvested chamomile. Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L) Rausch.) was harvested at three time intervals (T1 – 240 days, T2 – 250 days and T3 – 260 days after sowing) by three conceptually different harvesters. The results achieved indicate that the harvester type significantly influences quality of harvested chamomile, whereas it is not influenced by chamomile harvesting time. Quality of harvested chamomile was classified into four categories, and it was observed that the greater number of rotations of a picking device increased the content of the first category of quality. The harvester A achieved 54.79% of the first category of quality in respect to the harvester B achieving 50.26% and the harvester C with 42.93%